Thursday, March 15, 2007

Irrational Fears...

OK so I really hate my apartment. I don't hate my roommate, he's great. I don't hate the neighborhood, it's great. But the apartment itself, it's a massive shithole. I have the back bedroom which is barely big enough for my bed and one other piece of furniture and I have to keep the closet door open because it can't shut (my bed is in the way). I can sit on my bed and do everything. Plain and sucks.

So because it is an older building we occasionally get the errant insect (moth, spider, ant) roaming through our apartment. Well since I have moved into this apartment I now have an irrational fear of spiders. When I first moved in there were cobwebs everywhere and I cleaned them all, and maybe the first week I was there I saw a spider on my bed. The next week I saw a spider crawling up its "line" to its web ABOVE MY BED! So now I keep waking up in the middle of the night and thinking I am seeing daddy long legs, and spiders on my pillow next to me, or on the wall next to my bed. I throw my covers back and start throwing my arms and legs around and turn the light on and breathe heavily for about 20 minutes. I look all around the room, and of course there is no evidence of said spiders. But I am convinced they are there.

And I was convinced at 5:15 this morning too.

I'm almost 30.

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