Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Weekend Wrapup 1

I meant to write on Monday but didn't get the chance...my weekend was filled with performancey fun, I'll hit the highlights and low-lights.

Friday night - Show with Mr. Fahrenheit at iO. We usually open the 8PM slot and have had this slot the entire schedule. It bodes well for the team. What's more is we do a great job in that slot so I think we'll get to keep it. This particular Friday was another team, Quincy, last show and they asked if they could go first so that all their players could be there. We obliged. They had a great show...some of my favorite people are on that team...Kayce Alltop, Brooke Bagnall, Ryan McClelland, Chris Berzac, etc., and I was really bummed to see them cut. What's more I was really bummed to see many of them not reassigned. Hey, come to pH! Ha. So we went up after a very emotional last show. We knocked it out of the park. I have to say in 9 teams at iO this is by far the very best one I have ever been on. Alpha Squad (my first team) was incredibly fun, but this team is full of super talented, super nice people. I really love every show we do together. Our suggestion was "keepsake" and we immediately did our fun, "lets do an over the top Harold opening", where we created this huge treasure chest and described things flying out of it, like sparkles, hopes, Halmark ornaments, the year 2022, etc. This spun into a discussion of who put the box there, was it ancient Incans, was it Darwin or was it Jesus himself. After a press conference with Jesus we went into our first scene. The first scene was me, Kevin Sciretta and Jeff Sevener...it was about going through grandma's attic now that she's dead and how sad it was. Ryan Stone provided an ample walk-on as dead grandma. The show was fast and very funny and everyone had awesome moments. Our coach was very pleased, and I think some members of the Harold Commission (the governing body of quality at iO) saw it too and liked it. I am glad I got to play, because later that night I was supposed to be in pHreedom pHalls, pH's improvised sitcom. Unfortunately, we did not have a show that night. That slot has been tough to get people in, but that should change soon. I did get to watch Friday night's pHrenzy show, with guest stars Tim Baltz and Pat Dwyer. It was a weird wonderful show. The show was full of a lot of low-key, sarcastic, cerebral players...Baltz, Mike Berg, Aggie Hewitt, Meg O'Rourke, Marty Gangler and some newbies. The very first round saw Tim Baltz tie with Meg O'Rourke to go out of the show, and then Tim lost the tiebreaker so he was out...already! Then later in the show when Tristan (the host for the evening) called for the cast to come up for pHight or pHlight (the halfway point competition) nobody showed! They all thought they had one more round, so Tristan kept the show going without them and they missed their chance to get back into the show. Surreal! Not sure that it would have mattered much, because our new guy, Jeff Behrends brought a ton of people and they would have voted him back in...turns out he won the show and it was a good first outing for the lad.

Saturday was mostly spent figuring out how I was going to come up with a costume for my character later that night in pHrenzy pHucked, which is the dirty version of pHrenzy. My paycheck from my old job finally came but it hadn't "hit" the account yet so I was still cash-less. I could only write checks at Jewel to stay alive. Ugh. So most of the day was spent playing Guitar Hero with Tristan upstairs. I am getting a lot better. By the time I left I was on Medium on all the songs. Woo-hoo. I finally pieced together a costume and boy was it something! The night started however with pHamily, which had a solid cast and our new guy Dennis Frymire was in the center and did a wonderful job. The show was absolutely wonderful with some great performances by Aaron Ellsworth, Bryce Wissel and Kayce Alltop to name a few. Then came time for pHrenzy pHucked. I planned on playing a retarded leprechaun, as a statement to all the jerks in Wrigleyville who get obliterated on St. Patrick's Day. I was worried about the character because it is so offensive. But then I remembered the show is supposed to be offensive. So I did it. The show was out of control and awesome fun. It was dirtier than its been in a long time, but it was still really great. At one point Kayce Alltop and Adal Rifai were doing a scene where Jesus was getting S&M from Mary Magdalene. WOW. We had a packed house (again) for this show and I think the crowd really liked it. I gave out small green prizes for people as their favorite improviser went out. The prizes were: mint jelly, a lime, sponges, an apple, pistachio pudding, cookies, a can of peas and a box of Lucky Charms. They really liked it. The show was great, and Adal won his third pHrenzy pHucked in a row. That kid is on a tear.

Here's me giving Adal the tropHy in my outfit...

Sunday was an eh day for me. My voice was shot from hosting pHucked the night before and I felt terrible. So I called my assistant coach for Loyola and she took care of things for the night. Space Robbers also had the day off as they were all out partying the night before. So Sunday was rest day!

And now the second work week begins...

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